Return Instructions

You can return the product you bought within 14 calendar days at your own expense and request its replacement with another product. (Please note that Shipping costs are paid by the buyer)


Products to be returned must:

1) Be in original delivery condition, including packaging.

2) Not have been used.

3) Be mailed for return by the recipient of the product no later than ten (10) calendar days.

4) Be preceded by telephone or written communication of your intention.

5) Be accompanied by all accompanying documents: Retail receipt or invoice and all accompanying documents, such as labels, etc.


Order cancellation

– Your order can be canceled at any time if it has not been shipped. Cancellation is made by phone or email. The amount is returned in full and without any charge to the customer.

– Refunds are made only for orders paid with bank transfer or debit/credit card. If you do not manage to cancel before your order is shipped, then we follow the procedures described in the return instructions.


Money return

If for any other reason you wish to return the product you purchased and you are not interested in replacing it with another, you must submit a Return Request within 14 days from the date of receipt. Once the return is made and it is determined that the product has not been used, you will be refunded.

We expressly state that, for reasons of avoiding abuse and facilitating the procedures, the refund is made only when the purchase of the product has been made by bank deposit. In case of refund you will be charged only with the cost of returning the product.

In any case of return of products, the customer is obliged to deliver them intact and in excellent condition together with all the accompanying documents: Retail receipt or invoice and all the accompanying documents, such as labels, etc.